Who we are...

Frog Hill Farm is the home of Sandy Schultz and Stacy Underwood. Located in downtown San Antonio, it is our homestead, our slice of country life, here in the seventh largest city in the good ole US of A. Once known as "the big house on Frog Hill," it wasn't until we fenced in our large organic garden area that the name not only resurfaced, but stuck. It is the home to our beautiful future, the best years of our lives, together.

Join us as we create our home, renovate this 1924 former brothel, and develop our homestead. Just in the beginning phases, we are hoping to chronicle the adventure of living simply, mindfully and in harmony with nature. Fruits and vegetables will be grown, all organically of course. Chickens will soon join our menagerie to provide us with eggs. The most important component of this homestead? Family. Friends. PEOPLE. We are fortunate to have a brother, a son, a daughter and a grand daughter all on this property.....and the door is always open.Frog Hill Farm is the home of Sandy Schultz and Stacy Underwood. Located in downtown San Antonio, it is our homestead, our slice of country life, here in the seventh largest city in the good ole US of A. Once known as "the big house on Frog Hill," it wasn't until we fenced in our large organic garden area that the name not only resurfaced, but stuck. It is the home to our beautiful future, the best years of our lives, together.

Join us as we create our home, renovate this 1924 former brothel, and develop our homestead. Just in the beginning phases, we are hoping to chronicle the adventure of living simply, mindfully and in harmony with nature. Fruits and vegetables will be grown, all organically of course. Chickens will soon join our menagerie to provide us with eggs. The most important component of this homestead? Family. Friends. PEOPLE. We are fortunate to have a brother, a son, a daughter and a grand daughter all on this property.....and the door is always open.

Friday, March 7, 2014

In the beginning.....

Creating a life together has had huge impact on both of us.  For Stacy, it's meant that this huge old house that has been storage home to the entire family's "stuff" had to be emptied out somewhat.  It also meant that lots of estrogen was going to rain down on him in the form of two women.  You see, I have a 17 year old daughter that is part of the package.  The Underwood family had heavy testosterone influence, Stacy having come from a family of three brothers and having two sons himself.  However he does have a three-year-old grand daughter that lives next door and the addition of two more females, one a teenager, has been a big adjustment.  Daddy-dom to a teen daughter immediately.

For my part it simply meant quitting my perfect job and giving up my very own house that I'd purchased, and moving to a new city.  Into a much older, crooked house, giving up my one-story for a two-story.  It also meant that I was adding a very handsome, very loving life partner to my world and that was worth the trade. 

Even though it is worth it, it's work.  More work than we imagined, I dare say.  Work as in emotional adjustment for both of us, but physical work.  As I've mentioned in the about us, this house is 90 years old and crooked.  Literally.  Reworked, redesigned by a man not thinking of the kitchen "stuff" a woman does, such as the need for counters and storage.  Making it ours has been huge fun and the parade of ladders, paint, and power tools will continue for a quite a while.  I wasn't very good about visually documenting the house and yard when I first moved in, but I'll scrounge up those pics and from this point out document this incredible journey....inside and outside the house.  
The Big House on Frog Hill....aka Frog Hill Farm.  View is on the diagonal showing the pipes.  We are hoping to paint the pipes forest green sometime....cool artsy touch.

 Front entry....we anticipate putting a storm/screen door of some type here and the little mudroom area between first door and second will get painted a sunny yellow, eventually getting rid of the carpet in that area and truly creating a mudroom entry.